Tuesday 28 October 2014

Throwback Pre Wedding Day 2

"We believe in dressing up in gorgeously impractical things, like tulle (a soft, fine silk, cotton, or nylon material like net, used for making veils and dresses), sequins (a small, shiny disk sewn as one of many onto clothing for decoration), sparkles, and lace (a fine open fabric, typically one of cotton or silk, made by looping, twisting, or knitting thread in patterns and used especially for trimming garments)."

Do you guys like that dress in the picture of mine? Isn't it gorgeous?! Those tulles.. laces.. sequins.. and the cutting!
Ohhh, I personally adore that dress and I was lucky to have a chance to wore it and captured in it.

That was my second day pre wedding photo shoot in Singapore. I remembered the clear sky, humidity, the heat, sun shines through the skyscrapers when we were walking in the old buildings. 
The first photo shoot of the day took place at Chijmes Singapore.(read : chaims)

I was wearing andy&soyer's black tutu dress. And we began the photo shoot at 9 a.m in the morning. It was hectic, hot, and i was sweating, but thankfully the photo shoot went well.

tutu : a female ballet dancer's costume consisting of a bodice and an attached skirt incorporating numerous layers of fabric, this being either short and stiff and projecting horizontally from the waist (the classical tutu ) or long, soft, and bell-shaped (the romantic tutu ).

Yes, I was feeling beautiful. And out of the blue, Mas Adi told me that I looked a lot like Agnes Monica, LOL. I didn't see it coming, also I didn't know where the resemblance is! To be honest, a few people said that i look like her.(I swear, i'm not making this up)

One weird moment when I went to the fruit store with my husband (we were still dating back then), and when we were about to pay, the cashier asked me :

Mbak kasir : Mbak, itu kakaknya ya?
Saya : Bukan mbak, ini mah pacar saya. Emangnya mirip ya? 
Mbak kasir : Oh, saya kirain kakaknya mbak, iya, agak mirip. (saya dan suami senyam senyum karena baru kali ini ada yang bilang mirip)
(Waktu mau keluarin dompet)
Mbak kasir : Mbak, saya pikir tadi mbaknya Agnes Monica.
Saya : Hah? Bukan mbak. hahahaa. (ketawa jayus sambil mikir)
Mbak kasir : Masa sih mbak? Saya malah tadinya pengen ajak foto. Abisnya mirip banget.

Saya malah jadi bingung dan geli sendiri. Apanya yang mirip? Ahhh, si mbak matanya picek kali ya. LOL. Si hubby malah dengan senangnya ketawa ngeledekin. huh. 

Okay, back to the topic! Here are some photos at chijmes. FYI, if you want to have a photo session at chijmes, you have to pay first at the office downstairs. It usually costs SGD 100. A bit pricey, but worth the view, really. 
*censored* LOL

After some session at Chijmes, we decided to move to Singapore Botanical Garden. I chose this venue because I wanted to have a fresh and natural scenery for my pre wedding photos. In case you didn't know, The Singapore Botanical Garden is enormously huge. Also, it is very clean, beautifully organised and well-tended.
Anyway, here are some of the pictures at Singapore Botanical Garden. 

We planned to go to Clark Quay (read : klarki) after taking some shoots in Botanical GardenUnfortunately, the weather drastically changed from sunny to gloomy. So, we only took a few good shoots. If only it were sunny, we could have captured more great photos. And even worst, the rain started to pour when we were just about to go out. So, yeah, we were stuck in the middle of the garden.

Remember the part when I told you the garden was enormously huge? Yes, I wasn't exaggerating. The size of it is approximately six hectares. So, imagine how could I get out of there in the middle of pouring rain? As a matter of fact, I even had to walk for about 10-15 minutes to the location on the picture above. 

Sadly, the photographer and make up artist had a flight that early afternoon. Of course we waited for the rain to stop. Obviously, it wasn't fun at all, because not only it was heavy rain, it was also windy. Moreover, we were in an open space with only one umbrella and a single bench to share with the people who were also caught up in there with us. For this reason, we had to call it a day. Pheeeww~

Well, wise men once said don't let a bad moment ruin your day. That's right! After all, we had so much fun back there in Singapore. We also captured some sweet moments, experienced a new journey in life, and I personally was very grateful of that.

For some of you who might consider having a pre wedding photo shoot in Singapore or anywhere else, here are some tips from me :
  • Always bring a pair of sandals. That's a must!
  • Pay attention to the local weather forecast.
  • Don't forget your vitamins and water. You don't want to feel run-down in the middle of a photo shoot, do you?
  • Bring your own comb. Just in case your make up artist forgot, like mine.
  • Bring an umbrella. Well, you know what happened to me, right? You wouldn't want the same. Trust me.
  • Get up early, you have to be prepared! Because nothing good came out of rush, dear.
  • Have a good rest. You have to be fit, because photo shoot, especially outdoor photo shoot is exhausting. You don't want to end up with puffy eyes and dark circles around your beautifully popped-out eyes. Even the best make up product couldn't cover that up completely.
  • Oh, I almost forgot the important one! Mint candy. Do not ever ever EVER forget to bring those saviour! It's not cool to share your bad breath with your loved ones, don't you agree?
Well, I guess that's all I can tell you. Thank you for reading this post. Let me know if you have something to say on the comment below. :)

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